Hexagon is a C++ function that returns a complex number which represents a randomly distributed location within a hexagon.
The orientation of the hexagon is with vertical sides, where R is the radius supplied to the function. A test bench showing an ...
Choose a number among 0-127 in your mind this program will find your choosen number by asking 8 question. answer with Yes/No.
This program get an number and show yes if the number was perfect or no if the number was not perfect.
this program calculate the anagram of a number among 1000-9999.
This source get a number an calculate the Factorial of that(even big numbers!).
To attempted to do a different approach in encrypting a string. This is the result, it shows a different Result, depending on the size of the string and a random number. To Save it you can use: Open "file.bin" for binary as #1 put #1,, PasSav Close #1
... a user code based on information stored inside the users computer this code is unique to that users computer. It then uses a triple-encrypted password as a serial number. Make sure you change the encryption codes to be unique for your company/program
Random number generator for RCM microcontroller
Print out all partitions of a positive integer N. In number theory, a partition of N is a way to write it as a sum of positive integers.
Two sums that differ only in the order of their terms are considered the same partition.
java ...