... 组件(TCP)
SortLists.pas -- 排序的List组件
ThreadTimer.pas -- 定时器与线程池
DelayLists.pas -- 一个延时5秒再释放Object的队列
FastShareMem.pas, MemPools.pas, ShareGlobals.inc -- 由ThreadTimer内部使用
Bit Torrent Specification.htm -- BT协议文档
真正的Flash播放器代码,并不是使用ShockwaveFlash Object,而是从底层实现的Flash播放器。WinXP+VC.0调试通过。
the program demonstrates Huffman decompression. after prompting for the name of the compressed
an object of type HDecompress is declared, and the member function decompress() decompresses the file
Face-Detector, OpenCV Haar cascade object detection. Matlab interface for running haar-cascade object detectors from the Intel Open Computer Vision Library.
DCOM Sample
This sample demonstrates how to call a COM object implemented in an NT service from
multiple clients running on different machines. It is composed of the following parts.
LiteSQL is a C++ library that integrates C++ objects tightly to relational database and thus provides an object persistence layer. LiteSQL supports SQLite3, PostgreSQL and MySQL as backends. LiteSQL creates tables, indexes and sequences to database and ...
Eckel’s book is the only one to so clearly explain how to rethink program
construction for object orientation. That the book is also an excellent tutorial
on the ins and outs of C++ is an added bonus