... like this, but it has several shortcomings, the most important one being that it does not have functionality for multiple object selection and resizing. This article introduces a class, CControlTracker that does much more than what CRectTracker does
turboc code in dos
a graphics program to crease some illusory object on screen
提供了Oracle Spatial的数据类型和实体-关系模式(object-relational schema)。用户可以直接使用这些数据类型和模式对象来存储带有地理坐标的栅格数据。
... write, breaking it up to small pieces is a great idea. The smallest piece of any application would probably be a data object, or a simple Bean in Java. Java Beans are simple Java classes that have a distinctive look and behavior. Their simplest purpose ...
Object-Oriented Programming With ANSI-C这本书中的源代码!找了很久,好不容易找到的,给大家分享一下,提供了C面向对象的方法,书本可以网上下载!
Object Pascal 编程指南-程序设计-Delphi
This program computes the rate of acceleration of an object by imputing the initial and final velocities and the time it took to get there. Please vote if you like.