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  • OfficetoBmp.rar 将常用Office文档(Word,Excel,PPT)转换为图片
  • DevComponentsDotNetBar.rar DevComponents[1].DotNetBar.DLL Extensible framework/component for Visual Studio.Net that provides menus and toolbars that completely emulate Office 97 and Office XP menus and toolbars.
  • Officejiqiao1000.rar office的功能简介,让大家更多的认识office
  • xlsPrint.rar 一个打印EXCEL文件的组件,可以用于打印EXCEL文件,需要OFFICE支持
  • yuan.rar 微波电路设计,切比雪夫微波低通滤波器的设计,Microwave Office设计 仿真,带说明书
  • FilePropsEditor.rar 没有安装 Office时,不用打开doc文档,也可以对Office 文档属性进行修改。基于VB编写。运行测试前请先注册dsofile.dll。个人编写。 参考:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/224351
  • PPT_event_cap.rar PPT事件捕获示例源码 对操纵microsoft office很有用
  • Dsoframerctl.rar (用于显示Office的控件)Dsoframerctl.exe
  • Setup_Ori.rar ... that acts a n ActiveX document container for hosting Office documents (including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, ... and flexible, and gives developers new possibilities for using Office in a custom solution. The control is designed ...
  • FCKEditor.rar FCKEditor在线office文本编辑器,办公自动化插件