MS Office Automation using C++” - this is what I started searching over the internet a few weeks back to plot a graph in an Excel sheet through my program. Fortunately, I got a few - actually very few - inputs from the cyber world, might be because I am a ...
... computer pronounce the word. Automation was the answer to the first problem and the Microsoft Text to Speech Control solves the second one. Office Automation from VC is one of the least documented topics, I think. But we get plenty of docs for VBA. Let s ...
VB 与 VBA 技术手册,本书是VB与VBA宿主环境所共享的一些语言元素的参考,非常有价值。尤其对于操作office很有帮助!
这是一个使用Interop, Attributes 和 Reflection等实现的一个库,用来操作Excel文件的读写。比微软提供的Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel库,要简单。
Create Graph in Open Office Calc after Transfer from Delphi