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  • diapl_src.rar The programs are provided for those who would like to try the optimal image subtraction algorithm of Alard & Lupton (1998, ApJ, 503, 325)
  • cpuid.zip The main function of this code is to get information of your PC CPU. It will be helpful to find most optimal environments when developing PC games.
  • optimal-esign.rar C语言实现机械优化设计,六种一维方法。黄金分割法、平分法、三点二次插值法、三点三次插值法、割线法、抛物线法。
  • chp7_2.rar Optimal Dispatch of Generation Part
  • opfbyga.rar optimal power flow using genetic algo..
  • coperm.all.tar.gz COPERM (Compaction by Optimal PERMutation) is a tool for transform-domain energy compaction
  • optimal_BST.rar this is optimal binary search tree!! my masterpiece works!!
  • Vertex_Cover_Code.zip ... v is in the vertex cover. The best algorithm for this problem is known to run at O(1.2852k + kn). The optimal solution is intractable, thus optimization strategies in solving the vertex cover problem are brought off-the-shelves, including pre-processing, ...
  • MyDIRK3.rar DIRK3 algorithm, the algorithm to be implenmented is the optimal two stage third order accurate Diagnonally Implicit Runge-Kutta method, written DIRD3, for the ODE prolem and diffrentiate equations.
  • wieneropt.m.zip weiner optimal filtering