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  • APnewPmodelingPandPcontrolPschemePforPthyristor-c In order to design an optimal controller for the thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC), a novel TCSC control model is developed.
  • An-Optimal-Fuzzy-PID-Controller.rar 此文件很好的讲解了模糊PID方面的问题,帮助大家较快的掌握模糊PID.
  • Application-of-Fuzzy-Set-Theory-to.zip Application of Fuzzy Set Theory to optimal power flow
  • thesis.somu-1.rar Thesis on optimal Power Flow
  • thesis.somu-2.rar Thesis on optimal Power Flow
  • thesis.somu-3.rar Thesis on optimal Power Flow
  • thesis.somu-4.rar Thesis on optimal Power Flow
  • thesis.somu-5.rar Thesis on optimal Power Flow
  • os.rar 存储管理中页面置换算法性能测试 要求:设系统采用固定分配局部置换的存储分配策略,编写仿真程序对下述页面 置换算法进行性能测试,并对结果进行分析和比较。 (1) 最佳适应(Optimal)页面置换算法; (2) 先进先出(FIFO)页面置换算法; (3) 最近最久未使用(LRU)页面置换算法; (4) 最少使用(LFU)页面置换算法。 要求可适用于键盘输入和自动产生随机页面走向序列两种数据输入方式。
  • MIMO_OFDM_program.zip ... of being able to use one or more of the received copies to correctly decode the received signal. In fact, space–time coding combines all the copies of the received signal in an optimal way to extract as much information from each of them as possible.