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  • yahtzee-optimal-strategy ... programming algorithm described in James Glenn's May 2006 paper "An Optimal Strategy for Yahtzee". The strategy is the version without Yahtzee ... paper section 4.3. widget.py: the core unit to calculate optimal strategies for each state (section 4.1-4.2) ...
  • optimal-gigant ... a ski racer and optimalize his performance on giant slalom. ============== Optimal-gigant ============== Our goal is to model a ski racer ... on giant slalom. Check out wiki_ for more information .. _wiki: https://github.com/martar/optimal-gigant/wiki
  • optimal-lunar-landing-analysis ... Landing Analysis Version 0.1 Copyright (C) 2012 Dan Krusi, Stephan Krusi Licensed under the The MIT License Project Page: https://github.com/dankrusi/optimal-lunar-landing-analysis Wiki: https://github.com/dankrusi/optimal-lunar-landing-analysis/wiki
  • optimal # Optimal Play with numbers. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'optimal' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install optimal
  • optimal-ghost optimal-ghost ============= Usage: python ghost.py inputfile In the game of Ghost, two players take turns building up an English word from left to right. Each player adds one letter per turn. The goal is to not complete the spelling of a word: if you ...
  • optimal-position Optimal Meeting Point
  • Optimal-Ghost ... Ghost word game. Users play against a computer that uses an optimal winning algorithm. GUI and command-line versions available. Optimal- ... word game. Users play against a computer that uses an optimal winning algorithm. ##Text-Based Version 1.0 Usage 1. ...
  • optimal-giant-client ... . Detail description of the problem and of the phicical model can be found in our another repo: https://github.com/martar/optimal-gigant/wiki ## Dependency In order to build the project, you will need brunch.io https://github.com/brunch/brunch ## ...
  • optimal Kickass JS arguments parser Optimal ======= ![travis](https://secure.travis-ci.org/Numbee/Optimal.png?branch=master) ### Documentation Check ```example/``` ### Install `npm install optimal`
  • optimal Optimal learning function sketcher Function Sketcher for Belief Modeling Optimal Learning @ Princeton For Professor Warren Powell Code by Raymond Zhong '14 TODO: - create UI components for function selection - create UI components for function ...