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  • Portfolio_Optimisation.rar optimal portfoilio EXCELmin risk max return
  • 2005-0001.rar 计算一般形式弹性张量最优化TI近似的C程序 Computing the optimal TI approximation of a general elastic tensor
  • AI.rar An optimal neuron evolution algorithm for the restoration of linearly distorted images is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm is motivated by the symmetric positive-definite quadratic programming structure inherent in restoration. ...
  • navit-0.0.4.tar.gz ... are displayed on the map. The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors. The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even speaks to you.
  • simple_fMRI.tar.gz ... of prewhitening the data to correct for serial correlations in the data, as described in the following paper: Gautama, T. and Van Hulle, M.M. (2004), Optimal Spatial Regularisation of Autocorrelation Estimates in fMRI Analysis, NeuroImage, in press.
  • PLANNING_ICP.rar Implementation of an Interval Iterative Closest Point that uses intervals to found the global optimal solution.
  • vaccaro.rar Optimal Subspace-Based Signal Processing,美国The University of Rhode Island关于阵列信号处理中DOA的课件
  • DEMO.zip The optimal wavelet function in wavelet based image compression system was examined using different
  • pca.zip ... what is probably the method of choice for computing principal component analyses fairly efficiently, while guaranteeing nearly optimal accuracy. The enclosed function DIFFSNORM provides an efficient, reliable means for checking the accuracies of the low- ...
  • ICA_with_Reference.rar ... into the ICA contrast function. A neural algorithm is then proposed using a Newton-like approach to obtain an optimal solution to the constrained optimization problem. Stability of the convergence and selection of parameters in the learning algorithm ...