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  • MO.rar optimization methods labs
  • Series-parallel-system-based-on-organizational-str 基于串并联系统的战略联盟组织结构优化Series-parallel system based on organizational structure optimization Strategic Alliance
  • EP2-5948538-v0.2.rar This program allows you to compresss a .pgm picture, for example, and has also a optimization added that will make it look even better, removing the black or white spots that the normal optimization .
  • 01716354_09007dcc8030db7f.rar Design of Optimal PI Controllers for Doubly Fed Induction Generators Driven by Wind Turbines Using Particle Swarm Optimization
  • ACSTSP.rar Ant colony optimization for TSP
  • TspBerlin52Files.rar This file is used to test TSP instence Berlin52 in the optimization problems.
  • numerical_optimization_0387303030.rar ... This is a book for people interested in solving optimization problems. Because of the wide (and growing) use of ... students and practitioners alike to develop an understanding of optimization algorithms.Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of ...
  • MATLABABCv2.rar Optimization Bee algorithm
  • BasicAntColonyAlgorithmforTSP.zip C++ TSP book ANT Colony Optimization
  • Satellite-attitude-ontrol-by-changing-the-surface- 通过姿态控制改变卫星面质比的优化算法研究Satellite attitude control by changing the surface quality of the optimization algorithm than