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  • Search_Engine_Optimization.rar Search Engine Optimization with PHP A Developer’s Guide to SEO
  • aco-v1.1.zip This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based on ant colony optimization (ACO). The input shapes can be either two 2D contours (open or closed) or two arbitrary sets of 2D points.
  • sc_demo.rar shape context matlab opensource code use in image process Contains the canny edge detector and the shape context of the optimization calculation.
  • Introduction_MPEG-7_Library.rar Contains the canny edge detector and the shape context of the optimization calculation.
  • algorithmProjectReport.zip "Evaluating Ant Colony Optimization on Traveling Salesman Problems" a project report in Algorithm design technique graduate course
  • graphicalmethod11.rar graphiccal method of optimization
  • 0470511389.zip Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making
  • demoPSOnet.rar This also a demo of the Particle Swarm Optimization to have a look on the PSO train
  • trainpso.rar TRAINPSO is a network training function that updates weight and bias values according to particle swarm optimization.
  • UNSteoriapriklady.rar That is dicument talkin about network training function that updates weight and bias values according to particle swarm optimization.