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  • Directed.rar More details can be found in the publications on directed diffusion. Directed diffusion simulation code is available in ns-2. The latest release of the diffusion routing software is available on the Testbeds and Software page.
  • amba.zip This preface introduces the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) specification. It contains the following sections: • About this document on page iv • Feedback on page vii.
  • WizardDemoApp.zip Allows you to create any wizard form in the Visual Studio form designer, the only requirement is that it has a container for each page of the wizard. The container can be any container control, such as a Panel. Allows you to create the wizard pages in ...
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  • solomon.rar how to use recusive to generate Solomon Golomb sequence http://www.programming-challenges.com/pg.php?page=downloadproblem&probid=110607&format=html