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  • Img.rar to change the image without refreshing the page
  • csscksc.rar ... font-size-adjust、font-stretch、marker-offset、marks、page、size和text-shadow。
  • SSDT.rar ... \Temp\nma02324. Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 7.00.9210 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -MERGE:_PAGE=PAGE -MERGE:_TEXT=.text -SECTION:INIT,d -OPT:REF -OPT:ICF -IGNORE:4010,4037,4039,4065,4070,4078,4087, ...
  • page.rar Starter kit for Wi-Max BS.
  • SuperResolutionColor.rar This is improved implementation of William T. Freemans super-resolution algorithm (2001). I works on color images. you can read about it on my web page : http://cs.huji.ac.il/~benny01
  • ArcGIS_NAServer_RoutingCSharp.zip ... geocoded addresses using an NAServer web service. There is a web page that adds the stops and routes returned by the network analysis ... to a map control as graphics. There is also a web page that just displays the image returned by the network analysis web ...
  • ArcGIS_RoutingCSharp.zip This sample provides point to point driving directions. The user enters two addresses, and the sample returns an interactive map showing the route and driving directions. Directions may be reversed, and a printable version of the page is available.
  • ClassPageTestProject.rar ... 、尾页、第几页、还有带数字和点的分页。可以说是非常好的分页代码。想要的朋友自己处下载 < @ page contentType="text/html charset=GB2312" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" > < @ page import="java.io.*" > < @ page import="java.util.*" >
  • foosballMatchups.zip A html page that is layed out in the a good format for matchups in a competition
  • JSPjiaoan.rar JSP教案是关于JSP的基础知识及应用.对于WEB编程有很大的提高作用.能快速地认识JSP. JSP(Java Server Page)是运行于服务器端的脚本语言之一,是Java阵营中最具有代表性的解决方案。使用JSP技术,不仅能够制作像HTML一样的静态网页,还能制作包含动态数据的网页。JSP语言制作网页比其他服务器脚本语言更加简单、快捷和有力。