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  • andreyvit-ScrollingMadness1.zip ... To implement paging+scrolling you just use an outer UIScrollView in paging mode, and separate UIScrollViews for each page. They work together automagically. Second, UIScrollView now supports programmatic zooming natively. See setZoomScale: and the like ...
  • WebPageMaker.rar Web Page Maker 是一个易于使用的网页编辑器,它可以使你在几分 钟内就创建并上传你的网页,并且不需要你了解任何关于 HTML 的知识。 这是汉化版,无需原版,安装即可使用! ⑵:程序包含了注册机,可以供用户自行注册! ⑶:汉化了大部分的资源,但是由于该程序的资源过多而且太过繁琐,所 以难免有漏翻或翻译不当之处,请谅解!
  • jspShop-1.1a.tar.gz this file serverate of the contruction one page
  • sql.rar ... to meet the achievements in scientific research system performance reporting requirements, static and dynamic system from each of the page, system adopts the JSP + JavaBean and SQL Server 2000 development pattern of the combination of the database. This ...
  • Algorithm-Project.rar 3 algorithems for page replacment
  • AVRWIZ.rar Atmel AVR code generator web page use this as offline code generator for atmel AVR
  • Page-Layout-add-Legend.rar 可以在pagelayoutcontrol上添加一个图列,使用者可以根据需求可以扩展
  • page.rar C#开发的简单的翻牌游戏,其他功能可以自行添加
  • Login_system.zip ... in it will return him/her to the home page. to see if they are logged in use ... a user registers, it will update the lastmember.php page, so you can include it in your home page by using and it shows the last member that signed up. you can add/change the ...
  • msn_search.zip If you want to have MSN search engine in you page and MSN finder on your page you can use this code and it helps your website to have Microsoft powerful searcher to find keywords