Unity Particle Scaler Tool
... ; is an editor extension that adds one often used function for any type of your project.
∙ Scale multiple Particle Systems
∙ Scale Hierarchy positions [option]
∙ Can create renamed clones [option]
∙ Separate Scale Game Objects and ...
Meshfree Particle Method.pdf
无网格法的理论及应用 Meshfree Particle Method Many of the computer vision algorithms have been posed in various forms of differential equations, derived from minimization of specific energy functionals, and the finite element representation and computation have ...
论文研究-Adaptive Sampling-based Particle Filter.pdf
自适应粒子滤波,Ming Lei ,Han Chongzhao,In this paper, we investigate the relation between the filtering accuracy and the sampling number drawn by Particle Filtering (PF) based on the confidence interval theory, and a ad