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  • LCDDRIVER.rar mobile phone reference to LCD driver
  • libgsmc-0.2.2-tar.bz2.gz libgsmc is a GSM Communications library intended to be used as a foundation for phone applications on linux based handheld mobile phones.
  • mgr.rar cell phone source code
  • project.rar ... project. Telephone Call Logger keeps the detailed record of approximately 945 phone calls (7-digit number is assumed to be one phone call) including date, start time and the duration of the phone call in the PSoC device. Users can get this detailed ...
  • CalculatorMIDlet.rar a simple calculator written in java for mobile phone
  • phonearithmetic.rar 基于MFC的面绘制算法的实现,在vc下对图形学中比较流行的PHONE光照模型算法的实现,本人但是做时找不到参考的源码,费了很大气力希望能给大家带来帮助
  • funambol-mail-client-src-6.0.17.zip ... Its design is modular and can be extended in future with other mail protocols, a more sophisticated UI and access to the phone s AddressBook or filesystem for the devices allowing this. See the javadoc for more information on the structure of the ...
  • libgemwidget.rar 一款Linux手机上应用的文件管理器 系统要求就安装Gtk+2.0,gnome-vfs_2.0 来自我所参与的开源GPE PHONE项目。
  • masm.rar IBM_PC汇编语言程序设计实验教程中第2章全部5个实验,smascii,search,count_char,phone,fibonacci.
  • IP-Phone.rar 该源码实现了基于TCP/IP协议的语音传输VOIP系统,其包含服务器和客户端2个部分