Algorithm that implements negative feedback, consuming empty space in a 2D pixel plane.
VORONOI_MOUNTAINS is a MATLAB program which makes a 3D surface plot of a Voronoi diagram. The Voronoi diagram divides up points in the plane by associating each point with the closest of a set of generator points.
technique is quite small owing to the low compression ratio. Based on this, a general least significant
bit-plane (LSB) embedding technique in the spatial domain was proposed by Celik et al. [6]. The payload and
imperceptibility of embedded data are ...
... model single strip charges, multiple strip charges in
various geometrical configurations, and a charged square cylinder excited by an incidental plane wave. Finally, the author
considers the problem of calculating the current along a thin-wire antenna.
... , the radar holds its elevation angle constant but varies its azimuth angle. The returns can then be mapped on a horizontal plane. If the radar rotates through 360 degrees, the scan is called a "surveillance scan". If the radar rotates through less than ...