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  • 78-RAW-paper-1.rar ieee paper which helps in recognising the number plate of vehicles.An algorithm is proposed which provides information to detect number plate.
  • 741-2474-PB[1].rar ieee paper which helps in recognising the number plate of vehicles.An algorithm is proposed which provides information to detect number plate.
  • 01217917.rar ieee paper which helps in recognising the number plate of vehicles.An algorithm is proposed which provides information to detect number plate.
  • dlagnekov_belongie.rar ieee paper which helps in recognising the number plate of vehicles.An algorithm is proposed which provides information to detect number plate.
  • Doc68.rar ieee paper which helps in recognising the number plate of vehicles.An algorithm is proposed which provides information to detect number plate.
  • feature_extraction.zip automatic license plate Image segmentation
  • 5-css.zip this for plate recognition in visual basic
  • jcp0408771777.rar identify number plate
  • 1.rar images of plate so as to create a database of templates
  • test.rar license plate recognition