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  • 20050811005829349.rar This package differ from other package from the point of view that it support small or large icon. Text or no text and 16 or 256 colors. You can use icon or bitmap to create the toolbar. It is using the explorer toolbar, so you need at least explorer 3. ...
  • 20050731084521138.rar This package differ from other package from the point of view that it support small or large icon. Text or no text and 16 or 256 colors. You can use icon or bitmap to create the toolbar. It is using the explorer toolbar, so you need at least explorer 3. ...
  • DictPad.rar This file contains the entry point for the Dictpad application * and some of the definitions for methods of CDictationPad, the * main object. * dictpad_sapi.cpp contains the methods of CDictationPad that * pertain to the SAPI interfaces used in ...
  • 20051039369946.zip AppWizard has created this KaraokeDemo application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • OpenCvViewImage.rar A module that allows a programmer to display an iplImage at any point of time regardless of its depth or number of channels. The image is viewed in a separate thread in a separate window and supports channel-by-channel viewing and zooming.
  • 点对点语音通信组件 V1.00.rar 点对点语音通信组件 V1.00 已经封装好了。包含有中文说明文档。不过有点老
  • wavelet transform-n point.rar n点长度的DB系列小波多分辨分解程序。 可以实现一维信号的分解和重构
  • TaskbarIcon.rar AppWizard has created this TaskbarIcon application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • GetIcon.rar AppWizard has created this GetIcon application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • TC 2.0 挖地雷.rar TC 2.0 挖地雷 关于TC2.0版的挖地雷 1、整个游戏基于事件驱动的工作方式,这一点和windows应用程序是相通的。在程序的主 干中,不停的捕捉鼠标事件,再通过一个函数: Bool analysis(CPoint point, ClickInfor infor) 来分析鼠标事件作用在哪个对象上(游戏中的元素,比如按钮、菜单、地雷单元格都是 作为一个对象来看待),然后把鼠标事件分配到相应的对象上。不同的对象,对鼠标事件 有自己 ...