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  • Wrox.Beginning.Algorithms.Nov.2005.eBook-LinG.rar ... to explain those algorithms and data structures most commonly encountered in day-to-day software development, while remaining at all times practical, concise, and to the point, with little orno verbiage to distract from the core concepts and examples.
  • POIProcess.rar 兴趣点POI(Point of Interests)的查询程序。可以根据条件按照最近方式搜索到POI点,如查询离某一个指定点最近的几个酒店等。程序运行于ArcGIS底层。包含有实验数据
  • Image_Processing_algorithm_SRM.rar ... . MiniBall.cpp : Implementation of the randomized recursive incremental construction of the smallest enclosing ball of a 2D point set (as known as Welzl MINIBALL algorithm). composite.cpp : Image compositing using alpha channel. You need the ...
  • MiniBall.rar MiniBall.cpp : Implementation of the randomized recursive incremental construction of the smallest enclosing ball of a 2D point set (as known as Welzl MINIBALL algorithm).
  • ANEWWAYOFImageFiltering.zip To develop functional modules to process grayscale image intensity data. And perform Point and spatial operations. Uses Prewitt, Sobel, and Laplacian of Guassian Methods. And calculates their histograms.
  • matchbycorrelation.rar generates putative matches between previously detected feature points in two images by looking for points that are maximally correlated with each other within windows surrounding each point.
  • ransacfitfundmatrix.rar robustly fits a fundamental matrix to a set of putatively matched image points. This function uses an 8 point fundamental matrix solution
  • RealtimeImageLineExt ... (2) The programming interface is simple, very easy to transplant integration, the algorithm can output images in a straight line for each starting point, the end of the slope and other parameters (3) code fully engineered design, on the 320 ⊙ 240 image ...
  • imagepreviewdlg_demo.rar The application wizard has created this ImageImportDialogDemo application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation Classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • Tracking.rar ... + "Y Range") in the Y direction is done automatically because of a relatively large area of exploration during the search for an optimal (new) position for a particular control point and a very strong force exerted by large values of the image gradient.