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  • UPOS18ST.ZIP UnifiedPOS Retail Peripheral Architecture Version 1.8 June 30, 2003 International Standard For Implementation of Point Of Service Peripherals
  • OFDM-CDMA.rar OFDM-CDMA combined scheme power point presentation.
  • MIMO.rar MIMO power point presentation
  • Wimax.rar power point presentation on wimax 802.16e
  • 5.2.rar This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • Odometrie.rar code to calculate a position of a robot using two laser mouse point on the ground.
  • incoming.zip this is the collection of develop skill point. this is uesful for your development.
  • polynomials10.zip ... on polynomials, and contains also 3 different roots (zeroes)-finding methods that can handle quite large polynomials (>1000 coefs) Implemented in ANSI C++ Templates. Handles all real and complex floating point types. Html doc is included.
  • flop.rar ... or rounding arithmetic using an m digit mantissa, base 10, and an unrestricted exponent range. (sflop: Simulate FLOating Point operation.) For more details on the how the floating point representation of a number is computed see the ...
  • fourier.rar ... ), imag(y), real(fft(y)) and imag(fft(y)). FFTGUI, without any arguments, uses y = zeros(1,32). When any point is moved with the mouse, the other plots respond. Inspired by Java applet by Dave Hale, Stanford Exploration Project, http ...