This telecard reader can read the contain of any telecard until 64 bytes [ 512 bits ] and display it to hyper terminal software, using RS232 port.
vb serial port
using MSCOMM
This is an application that will allow easy port forwarding on a Windows machine.
It can allow a computer from the internal network to be accessed from internet just by setting a port forwarding rule.
... for a VxWorks BSP, and the general
behavior of a BSP during the boot process. This document outlines the steps
needed to port an existing BSP to a new hardware platform or to write a new
VxWorks BSP for custom hardware using a reference BSP or ...
Serial Port With Rs485 Driver For Atmel AVR
Send and image for the VGA port
Socket progrm make the IP and Port in listening mode.It work as server, and number of clients can connect with this application
this program is used to configure the com port and read the data from that port and you can write some data through that port.
The application note covers the various domains of the FIFO
architecture, improving data rate using the multiple buffering
scheme, using the part in port I/O, slave FIFO or the GPIF