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  • QYT.rar 打印程序带VB开发代码 是用VB printer对象写的exe文件,用VB调用做开发.支持文本修改.分页打印.自定义纸张大小.是一个学习和商用不错的程序.在功能上可以借鉴.
  • print_screen.rar It allows your PrtScr and Alt+PrtScr keys to print a screen capture directly to your printer instead of just copying the image to the Windows clipboard.
  • shangpingfanghetong.zip 放弃了先前的采用报表实现,改为采用PRINTER对像直接对打印机操作。针对福建省商品房销售合同格式,设计的套打程序。注:压缩包内的DOC只是参考文档,程序套打效果不与该DOC为准。 ADO+ACCESS实现。使用三方控件: LBBUTTON,AAFONT,EHLIB3.6
  • RTFEditor.zip RTF text editor, HTML text editor, web browser, and more...Try it. Note, make sure your printer is turned on before running the application. RTF文本编辑器,HTML文本编辑器,web浏览器,....
  • 20070001.ZIP 一个数据库打印的范例,用的是ACCESS数据库. Printer.Print 方法来实现的!.
  • hpdrivercode.zip printer driver for the HP670, HP690, HP850, HP855 HP870, HP890, HP1100 and HP1600 color printers. To be used with the Ghostscript printing system.
  • MyDevelopPrinter.rar 实现虚拟打印功能,主要包含:Printer.cpp,PrinterDlg.cpp,PrintRX.cpp,StdAfx.c
  • hwb13W.zip ... 几乎一切与计算机有关的接插件的引脚说明,例如: 各种总线:ISA, EISA, PCI, VESA, CompactPCI, PCMCIA ...... 串行接口:RS232, PC9, PC25, Printer, PS/2, RS422 ...... 并行接口:PC, Amiga, ECP, MSX ...... 视频接口:VGA, EGA, CGA, PGA, Macintosh Video ...... 其他接口:USB, BeBox GeekPort ...... 各种 ...
  • Printer.rar c# API使用自定义纸张 先要set一下,然后在get一下就可以使用
  • pp.zip printer processor sample code. tried successfully in win2k, winxp,