... wireless network and allow any computer on the network to print to it. This is very useful since now you don’t need a printer physically connected (usually via USB) to every computer that you want to be able to print with. Wifi Printers have built q in ...
Winprint HylaFAX, Makes a HylaFAX Server look like a standard Windows printer, as seamless as commercial FAX servers. This project is written in Borland C++ Builder.
EasyUnit is a unit testing framework for C++ and EC++ that intends to ease this process. It is based on CppUnitLite administration-free concept with the following additions: fixtures support, customizable test runner and results printer.
PowerPrinter is a 32bit DLL that gives you access to all printer settings by means of simple APIs. Developers are shielded from the differences between Windows 9.x/ME and Windows NT/2000 because PowerPrinter takes care of the Operating Systems differences ...
FAXALO printer driver is a module used to convert documents from various file formats to black and white TIFF FAX G3 format and forward them to any fax machine via faxalo.it internet fax services only to all italian fax for free. It is based on Popfax pr