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  • Data-Printer-Filter-Moose Data::Printer ♥ Moose Data::Printer ♥ Moose Car::Expensive { Parents Car::Basic Linear @ISA Car::Expensive, Car::Basic, Moose::Object Local Roles HasAirConditioning, HasSpinningRims Inherited Roles ...
  • CosmX-Install-Printer ... printer when the number of CosmX installs changes # Little Printer Experiment 1. Pings http://cosmx-installs.herokuapp.com/ 2 ... it prints a message ## Hardware * Arduino Ethernet * Adafruit Little Printer ## Heroku App Can be found at [https://github. ...
  • node-printer ... href="https://ci.appveyor.com/project/tojocky/node-printer"> Data-Printer-Filter-ClassicRegex print regexes the classic qr// way Data-Printer-Filter-ClassicRegex version 0.0.1 Data::Printer shows regular expressions in a fancy way: foo.*bar (modifiers: i) This module provides a filter that will display them the classic, Perlish way: qr/ ...
  • kde4-printer-applet K Desktop Environment - printer applet
  • define-record-and-printer Trivial macro to define records and corresponding printers define-record-and-printer ========================= Trivial macro to define records and corresponding printers
  • p5-Data-Printer-Filter-JSON ... [ 'JSON' ], }, }; # You can also tweak the colors: use Data::Printer { filters => { -external => [ 'JSON' ], }, color => { JSON => { true => 'bright_blue on_black', ...
  • dropbox-printer # Dropbox Printer Usage: dropbox-printer [options] basepath *dropbox-printer* monitors the folder defined in 'basepath' parameter and prints any pdf file added to this path IMPORTANT: the subfolders' name under 'basepath' will be used as printers' ...
  • printer-driver ... page insert p 'end-doc ; flush all to printer and close document to print close p ; close ... ` word instead of `text-box`... Simple Example -------------- write printer:// [ pen blue text "Hello World!" 100x100 ] A complete ...
  • pretty-printer ... from a command line argument, or STDIN. Uses tinyxml2. #Pretty Printer This is a tiny utility I made in C++ ... ``` git clone https://github.com/rafkhan/pretty-printer.git cd pretty-printer make install ``` ###Example ``` $ pp " ...