资源说明:Native node.js printer
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### Reason:
I was involved in a project where I need to print from Node.JS. This is the reason why I created this project and I want to share my code with others.
### Features:
* no dependecies;
* native method wrappers from Windows and POSIX (which uses [CUPS 1.4/MAC OS X 10.6](http://cups.org/)) APIs;
* compatible with node v0.8.x, 0.9.x and v0.11.x (with 0.11.9 and 0.11.13);
* compatible with node-webkit v0.8.x and 0.9.2;
* `getPrinters()` to enumerate all installed printers with current jobs and statuses;
* `getPrinter(printerName)` to get a specific/default printer info with current jobs and statuses;
* `getPrinterDriverOptions(printerName)` ([POSIX](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX) only) to get a specific/default printer driver options such as supported paper size and other info
* `getSelectedPaperSize(printerName)` ([POSIX](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX) only) to get a specific/default printer default paper size from its driver options
* `getDefaultPrinterName()` return the default printer name;
* `printDirect(options)` to send a job to a specific/default printer, now supports [CUPS options](https://www.cups.org/doc/options.html) passed in the form of a JS object (see `cancelJob.js` example). To print a PDF from windows it is possible by using [node-pdfium module](https://github.com/tojocky/node-pdfium) to convert a PDF format into EMF and after to send to printer as EMF;
* `printFile(options)` ([POSIX](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX) only) to print a file;
* `getSupportedPrintFormats()` to get all possible print formats for printDirect method which depends on OS. `RAW` and `TEXT` are supported from all OS-es;
* `getJob(printerName, jobId)` to get a specific job info including job status;
* `setJob(printerName, jobId, command)` to send a command to a job (e.g. `'CANCEL'` to cancel the job);
* `getSupportedJobCommands()` to get supported job commands for setJob() depends on OS. `'CANCEL'` command is supported from all OS-es.
### How to install:
npm install printer
### How to use:
See [examples](https://github.com/tojocky/node-printer/tree/master/examples)
### Author(s):
* Ion Lupascu, ionlupascu@gmail.com
### Contibutors:
* Thiago Lugli, @thiagoelg
* Eko Eryanto, @ekoeryanto
Feel free to download, test and propose new futures
### License:
[The MIT License (MIT)](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
node-printer ============ Native bind printers on POSIX and Windows OS from Node.js, electron and node-webkit.
Linux | Windows | Dependencies |