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  • SYS_Manager.rar sample AIX system manager ---use OS running perf data ananly. using AWK and some tools like vmstat .. get txt file to process.
  • picshow3.07.rar.rar ... stretched or centered in the client area of the control Control can show a background image as centered, stretched, or tiled Transition process can use a separated thread New transitional effects can be easily implemented and added to the control
  • ps_project2.rar a simple process system lab task for hs2357
  • RTconsoleDemo.zip the redirection of Console process input/output using pipes.利用管道进行控制台输入输出重定向.
  • Process.rar 操作系统多线程运行的c++示例,环镜是visual c
  • os-process.rar 来自印度迈索尔大学的外教的操作系统课件。
  • Recub.rar ... starting new instance of Internet explorer and injecting code 3 Activate throw Encrypted ICMP request 5 No listning ports 6 No Process visible,injects into Explorer.exe on startup and exiting 6 Activex startup 7 Empty All Event Logs After exiting the ...
  • process.rar 任务调度管理器,内置了很多的task 可扩展task
  • anisodiff.rar anisodiff.m Function to perform anisotropic diffusion of an image following Perona and Malik s algorithm. This process smoothes regions while preserving, and enhancing, the contrast at sharp intensity gradients
  • game_ink_blot9.rar ... marked with a number ‘2’. In the next step, all free, valid squares around the two are marked with a ‘3’ and the process is repeated iteratively until :  The exit is found (a free square other than the starting position is reached on the very edge of ...