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  • Win32++_A_Simple_Alternative_to_MFC.rar ... systems that run the Win32 API, from Windows 95 through to Windows XP and Vista. This framework is designed to produce programs with a similar look and feel to those created using MFC. It can develop applications based on simple windows, dialogs, frames ...
  • programs.zip c#版本 算法大全 几乎所有常见的算法 This file contains the C# code from Program
  • MATLAB-Programs.rar 国外经典的信道建模与仿真源码,包括Jakes模型和Suzuki模型
  • JMODEM.zip JMODEM executes best from a batch file as an external pro- tocol for any of the communications programs that have ex- ternal-protocol capability. A typical communications program is TELIX.
  • ANNandmatlab7.rar ANN and matlab7。you can enjoy the funny from these programs and help you realize what you want based on A
  • tinyxml_2_5_3.rar 解析xml的利器。TinyXML is a simple, small, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs.
  • ImgProjection.zip ... image is loaded from a file. Then, a projection along a row or a column is applied and stored in the vector. The code relative to the eVision functions has been generated by EasyAccess while executing the lesson Sample programs -> ImgProjection
  • StaticList.zip We often need to use static data in our programs. By static, I mean our programs do not modify the data. For example, we can insert the list of the 50 US state names into a combobox so that the user can select his/her state using a mouse. The same goes ...
  • Calculator.rar Simple line-oriented calculator program. The class can also be used to create other calculator programs.
  • CheatEnginev5.4srcl.rar ... For new users it is recommended to go through the tutorial(The one that comes with Cheat Engine, you can find it in your programs list after installing) and at least reach step 5 for basic understanding of the usage of Cheat Engine If you need help on ...