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  • Linux_Shell_Scripting_Tutorial.rar ... tutorial is designed for beginners only and This tutorial explains the basics of shell programming by showing some examples of shell programs. Its not help or manual for the shell. While reading this tutorial you can find manual quite useful ( type ...
  • Essential_C++.rar This book is used to develop programs in C++. Great book for both intermediate and for advanced programmers.
  • pb_bd_ok.zip Some programs about working with databases.
  • Programe_BIA.zip I have uploaded a series of programs that are in the area of artificial intellingence.
  • egc.zip Here are some programs that are linked in a way to each other, to develop a drawing using the C language.
  • M68HC11.zip It is a list of programs for the M68HC11. The language is asm.
  • Coding_Hardware_Windows.rar ... pay attention to the general methods of programming in Windows, and also to various tricks and cunnings at a writing of programs: to work with files, to interaction in a network, self-liquidation of executed files, data acquisition about USB-devices, etc ...
  • n.zip Java Thread test programs for Java aimation
  • c.zip Java animation programs for Java bouncing balls
  • abd.zip Java animation programs for Java bouncing balls