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  • assign15.zip this is demo for hashing programs in linux
  • MWRNTK_DLL.rar A dll that contains a sort of functions to use in your VB6 programs
  • BittCheb_filters.zip Programs in Matlab for designing Butterworth and Chebyshev analog filters.
  • sift_vs2008.zip This programs is a sift algorithm sourcefile written by Visual Studio 2008. This is written by MFC. Simply, just compile and run to use.
  • PROGRAMM.zip Its a book on windows programming .This book shows you how to write programs that run under Microsoft Windows 98
  • morphoperation.rar Terminology and properties of Morphology Operations Structure element Four morphological Principles Iterative Morphological Operations Matlab Programs and results images for each operation
  • programs.zip Perceptron LMS Feed Forward Back Propagation Character Recognition
  • Programs_comm2_DCS.rar programs on visual C for Implementation and analysis of a DCS through software –based design projects
  • matlabProgDCS.rar programs on matlab for Implementation and analysis of a DCS through software –based design projects
  • Programming.Pearls.rar ... pearls whose origins lie beyond solid engineering, in the realm of insight and creativity. This book provides a guide for both students and experienced programmers about how to design and create programs, and how to think about programming.