文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Vim configuration files - no longer maintained. Check my dotfiles repos.
suderman-style vimrc

Select shortcuts for my own memory's sake! 

⎋         normal mode
i         insert mode before (I beginning of line)
a         insert mode after (A end of line)

v         visual mode
V         visual line mode
⌃v        visual block mode

gv        reselect the text from the last visual mode
gV        select the text that was last edited/pasted

u         undo
^u        redo

y         yank
d         delete
p         paste (⌃p to cycle history)
[p        toggle clipboard (yankring)
,p        toggle paste mode (pasting from GUI clipboard)

⌃jkhl     move focus between windows
⌃jkhl     resize windows (visual mode)
,jkhl     move windows

_+        bubble lines up/down (visual mode)
><        indent, outdent (visual mode)
gcc       toggle comments
=         auto format

^_        close last HTML tag

/.../     search in file (n to cycle results; , to clear highlights)
,a        search in project (Ack)
,t        search file names (⌃c to cancel)

,    cycle buffers ( to cycle buffers; ⇧ to cycle reverse)
,6        alt file
,d        toggle project drawer (,dd to find current file in tree)

,ss       toggle spellcheck
,s?       list spelling suggestions

,w        write
,q        quit
,qq       quitall
,wq       write and quit

F5        clean up whitespace

,v        open the vimrc
