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资源说明:Vim settings
#.vim folder

Vim is like language itself. It has:

 - verbs (yank, delete)
 - subjects (word, mark, paragraph, search text)
 - prefixes (3j, 2w)

### Install new modules

1. git submodule add -f pack/bundle/start/fugitive
2. git add .gitmodules /pack/bundle/start/fugitive
3. git commit -m "Install Fugitive.vim bundle as a submodule."
~~4. Install [deoplete](
~~4. install YCM; cd bundle/tern_for_vim -> npm install~~

### Update modules

1. git submodule update --remote --merge
2. git commit

### Removing a package [^2]

1. git submodule deinit vim/pack/shapeshed/start/vim-airline
2. git rm vim/pack/shapeshed/start/vim-airline
3. rm -Rf .git/modules/vim/pack/shapeshed/start/vim-airline
4. git commit

### On other machine

(you may need to go in bundles directory)
0. git submodule update --init --recursive
1. git submodule foreach git pull origin master (updates all modules)
2. mkdir ~/.vim/_backup && mkdir ~/.vim/_temp && mkdir ~/.vim/undodir

### ~~Update submodules~~

1. git pull --recurse-submodules
2. git submodule update --init --recursive
(3). git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master
~~(3). in YouCompleteMe dir git submodule update --init --recursive~~

###### Apply custom patches

cp ./custom_patches/ftplugin/markdown.vim to ./bundles/vim-markdown/ftplugin/markdown.vim

### Fonts

monaco for terminal
power font for airline

### GREP
rg install


 - + paste from sys clipboard
 - :fl to quickly find file in a dir
 - F2 - clean whitepsace
 - F3 - toggle search hl
 - F4 - spell check
 - F10 - syntax hl for tests
 - q - close window
 - f/F - easymotion 1 char front and backwards
 - :w!! sudo save
 - gs/gd/gg git
 - ][c - next/prev change
 - []f folding
 - []p pastes
 - []p buffers
 - gr on a word - search
 - nt - make a note


 - ctrl+[ - escape!
 - :e # edit last used (alias) buffer
 - [p ]p goto paste location
 - [\` ]\` next/prev mark
 - [z ]z next/prev open fold. Would work even on hidden folds
 - zj, zk nex/prev fold
 - zh, zl - more/less folding
 - [c ]c next/prev change
 - :JsDoc leader/js
 - git: leader gd gr gs
 - ]] good for indents
 - c-space expose snippet
 - Use Fn snippets.
 - Use surroundings:
   - ys - you sourround, ysiw
   - cs - change surround
   - ds - delete surront
   - on any text object
 - aa - around attr object (for html)
 - v_o - o in visual mode goes to the other side of selection
 - Last edited text saved in . register, you also can jump to with \`.
 - d_v_d - deletes from cursor to begging of the screen. But how ?
 - :vert sb N //// nope - v(s) - open this buffer ib vert split
 - :on - close splits beside this
 - :w!! - sudo save
 - Ctrl-O - in insert mode, execute one command and return to insert mode
 - :%s//bar/g - replace all ocurrences of last searched pattern
 - ge in Markdown open local link
 - gx in Markdown open ext link
 - C+^ to prev buffer
 - z= for autocorrect misspelling options

### Mappings

 - TODO: kj = escape
 - Use Fn snippets.
 - use C-j,k instead of smooth scroll
 - Abbreviations = req and space => @requires 
 - %% expend to working dir
 - leader qq = quit
 - leader q = unload buffer
 - ll l => easymotion line forward
 - ll h => easymotion line backwards
 - ll /,?,;
 - F11 reload syntax
 - leader d = don't yank
 - C-a to go AFTER the bracket, instead of C-o l
 - leader vr = vim reload
 - zl,zh = set folding
 - zj,zk - go to next folds
 - [z ]z next/prev open fold. Would work even on hidden folds
 - leader ve = netrw
 - leader j = Table of contents in Markdown
 - leader t = toggle checkbox in Markdown
 - ]] good for indents in Markdown
 - [c ]c next/prev change
 - [p ]p goto paste location
 - Use surroundings:
   - ys - you sourround, ysiw
   - cs - change surround
   - ds - delete surront
   - on any text object

###### Tabularize

nmap a= :Tabularize /=
vmap a= :Tabularize /=
nmap a: :Tabularize /:\zs
vmap a: :Tabularize /:\zs
nmap a, :Tabularize /,\zs
vmap a, :Tabularize /,\zs

###### Writing tips

[                Add [count] blank lines above the cursor.
]                Add [count] blank lines below the cursor.
*[e* *v_[e*
[e                      Exchange the current line with [count] lines above it.
*]e* *v_]e*
]e                      Exchange the current line with [count] lines below it.

### Don't Use Tabs, Only Buffers

### Motions

!!! First rule of VIM - use motion as verb and action as noun !!!

The most quick motion is easymotions

es-/ (if there are multiple occurences of the word)
and so on

### Text Select

The most quick way to select object is to use:

Text objects

daw, yaw

Vim’s text objects provide an incredible level of precision.
The key is to try to always edit by text objects. Editing by motions e.g.,
by part of a line, to the next occurrence of a character, is tedious, clumsy, and slow.
Instead of correcting a misspelling character by character, change the entire word and re-type it.

vmap v (expand_region_expand)
vmap  (expand_region_shrink)

### TODO

  - [x] move to easyclip, use + and other registers instead
  - [x] write jsdoc modifies, uses
  - [.] text obj: js: from start of the line to ;
  - [ ] move to next indent
  - [.] D delete from the left of var to the indent
  - [x] don't use , use  and map them to movement
  - [.] Make use of folds. More useful folding. Learn bindings. Use marks. Use as text objects.
  - [x] Make standard paired bindings to all common commands, similar to unimpared
  - [x] ~~spell is not working F4~~ (problem with keyboard swap-fx)
  - [x] CtrlP is slow and not really useful, fzf ftw
  - [x] ~~Somehow the smae buffer is always opens~~ (Able to resolve with new :BW command)
  - [ ] New mappings.
  - [x] Check for useful mappings:
  - [x] Write a plugin that would auto mark every edit, so it would be easy to jump back, [c not always works for some reason
  - [ ]

###### Reference

[^2]: [github issue](
