资源说明:A qtopia version of xgps
This is a port of xgps from the gpsd distribution to Qtopia for the Freerunner. UPDATED to run on qtmoko AKA Qt Extended. More info can be found at http://blog.wolfman.com/articles/2008/08/27/porting-xgps-to-qtopia-for-the-freerunner To build you need the Trolltech toolchain. > cd qtopiagps > $QPEDIR/bin/qbuild If you don't have libgps in the toolchain then detar the libgps-dev.tar.gz into the toolchain > cd / > tar xvfz libgps-dev.tar.gz it will go into /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/usr/lib/... On QTMoko you need to edit /etc/default/gpsd to the following... # Default settings for gpsd. # Please do not edit this file directly - use `dpkg-reconfigure gpsd' to # change the options. START_DAEMON="true" DAEMON_OPTS="" DEVICES="/dev/ttySAC1" USBAUTO="false" then you can do this to start gpsd... > /etc/init.d/gpsd start Then you can run qtopiagps TODO ==== 1. I plan on removing the dependency on gpsd, and use the builtin Location API of Qt. Turns out the Whereabouts API in Qt does not support getting satellite info, so won't do this 2. I want to add simple tracking, and pedometer type functions. This will be done in a new app instead, using the Whereabouts API