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  • Radar ... an interface ![Arduino](https://raw.github.com/indiejoseph/Radar/master/ultrasonic_on_servo.jpg) ![Screen Shot](https://raw.github.com ... /screenshot.jpg) ![Scan](https://raw.github.com/indiejoseph/Radar/master/scan.jpg) ![Sketch](https://raw.github.com/ ...
  • Radar An audi-visual experiment # Radar An audio-visual experiment that uses [Audiolet](https://github.com/oampo/Audiolet) to ... on ``````. [Check out the demo](http://lab.hakim.se/radar/). # License MIT licensed Copyright (C) 2014 Hakim El Hattab, ...
  • phased-array-radar ... This repository was created to provide python enabled code to read data from MIT's [BUILD A SMALL PHASED ARRAY RADAR SENSOR.](http://web.mit.edu/professional/short-programs/courses/phased_array_radar_sensor.html) Requires: + [SciPy](http://www.scipy.org ...
  • cloudflare-radar #Cedexis CloudFlare App The Cedexis CloudFlare App will inject the [Cedexis Radar](http://www.cedexis.com/products/radar.html) tag into your website. Radar takes nearly 1 billion measurements per day from over 30,000 individual networks ...
  • Radar-chart-utility- A utility to create radar charts in processing http://processing.org
  • radar ... documentation. This is the project necessary for running a radar server. Documentation about building an app and using the ... run test-full` ## Workflow - Fork http://github.com/zendesk/radar, clone, make changes (including a Changelog update), commit, ...
  • Radar Xcode Radar Component Radar ===== Radar Component
  • tech-radar JavaScript visualization of the ThoughtWorks Tech Radar using d3.js
  • radar USC Hybridh High School RADAR - a Rails 3.2 application for monitoring and managing the progress and performance of USCHHS students. == Welcome to Rails Rails is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web ...
  • radar radar radar ===== radar