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  • Chapter5ReadMe.rar code for signal strenght of radio receiver
  • 520024.rar Adaptive Radio Resource Allocation for Downlink OFDMA/SDMA Systems with Multimedia Traffic
  • 36Radial_Blur.rar 使用VisualC++ Win32应用程序开发的一个OpenGL程序,在OpenGL中实现Radio Blur的效果。
  • WirelessCommunicationEngineering.rar Wireless Communication Engineering Modulation-Analog Modulation: AM Radio-FM Radio-Detection of FM Signal-Digital Modulation-Digital Demodulation-Coherent Versus Noncoherent-Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)-ASK Modulation-Baseband Filtering-Non–Coherent ASK ...
  • SoftwareDefinedRadio.rar SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO
  • APS.zip ... allows computers, phones, headsets, PDA s and other devices to wirelessly communicate over short distances (up to 33 feet). Bluetooth uses radio waves (in the 2.4 GHz range), and is designed to be a secure, low power and inexpensive way of connecting and ...
  • test.rar C++写的Radio按钮类,动态创建,希望对大家有所帮助。有待进一步完善
  • Code.rar computes the throughput in a cognitive radio network
  • FCC-10-174A1.rar The new FCC regulation on Cognitive radio
  • gps.zip Radio-GPS unit. Sends actual GPS possition to coronis radio module unit.