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  • 文件管理实验.rar 这是一个比较完整的java语言编写的文件系统程序,有8个基本功能,要求设计一个N个用户的文件系统,每次用户可以保存M个文件,用户在一次运行中只能打开一个文件,对文件必须设置保护措施。且至少有Create,Delete,Open,Read,Write等命令。
  • uib2.rar ... Interbase, FireBird and YAFFIL. UIB include 11 components: TJvUIBDatabase. TJvUIBTransaction. TJvUIBQuery. TJvUIBBackup. TJvUIBRestore. TJvUIBScript. TJvUIBDataSet (read only). TJvUIBSecurity TJvUIBEvents TJvUIBRepair TJvUIBConfig
  • read《C++ Builder 5.0经典入门》.rar 很经典的bcb的书籍,里面附有源码,还有制作过程中的画面,让你简单易懂,值得一看
  • 读取IntelCPU序列号.rar 读取Intel CPU序列号.rar 读取Intel CPU序列号.rar
  • adu812_eeprom.zip This example demonstrates how to erase, write, and read the on-chip 640-byte EEPROM Data Memory of the Analog Devices ADuC812, ADuC814, ADuC816, and ADuC824 devivces. This example includes a µ Vision2 Project with a target for each supported device.
  • SPLAY.rar ... good job of it. Contents: SPLAY.PAS Original TP source code SPLAY.C Translation of code to C SPLAY.EXE Compiled version of SPLAY.C (small model) README.DOC You are looking at it Read the comments at the beginning of SPLAY.C for more info.
  • 93lc46.rar EEPROM 9346驱动程序 read and write and so on
  • eewrite_v1_0.zip This example shows how to read and write the SPI eeprom connected to the nRF9E5 and nRF24E1 devices.
  • ex27a.rar 程序增加了一个顶层Storage菜单,其中有Write和Read选项。在调试中运行,先选择Write,待一个Write complete消息框后,再选择Read.
  • read_PCICFG.rar write code to read the PCI configuration information, there are two ways.