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  • Feature matching

    基于SIFT特征的匹配方法 We should easily recognize the point by looking through a small window Shifting a window in any direction should give a large change in intensity

  • QR recognize


  • Accusoft FormSuite 3.0 for .Net_SN

    Accusoft FormSuite 3.0 for .Net Build a forms processing application. Scan in forms containing valuable data. Enhance and clean up scanned images for improved recognition. Recognize incoming scan

  • matlab-BP神经网络实现数字识别

    matlab实现的数字识别。 最重要文件: build构造学习用数据矩阵; getfeature函数提取数字特征; training使用网络进行学习; recognize实现新数字的识别。 内涵大量测试用数据。

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  • 大学生四级考试英语作文范例

    有关四六级英文作文,Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.

  • AIX 5L_AU13_BASICS_Instructor Guide

    The reader should recognize that the following terms, which appear in the content of this training document, are official trademarks of IBM or other companies: IBM® is a registered trademark of Int

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  • javaeetutorial6 超好的指导文档 Developers today increasingly recognize the need for distributed, transactional, and portable applications that leverage the speed, security, and reliability of server-side technology. In the world of