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  • ftg.rar 反弹木马:1、远程文件访问。包括文件下载、上传(限文件8M以内)、文件(夹)更名、文件(夹)删除、文件运行、文件查找、创建文件夹、清空文件夹、文件属性查看。   2、远程关机、启动、注销、修改组织名、用户名。   3、远程键盘记录、鼠标控制、锁定鼠标、模拟功能键、发送字符。   4、活动窗体键盘记录(可记录QQ密码和QQ号码)。   5、远程注册表模拟器、快速注册表修改。   6、远程消息发送、远程进程控制。   7、远程查看剪贴板、当前活动窗体名、隐藏桌面图标、隐藏任务栏、隐藏开始按钮等。 ...
  • rbfSrc.rar This program demonstrates some function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Network. The user supplies a set of training points which represent some "sample" points for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the number of ...
  • Webtest(jsp).rar ... : Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver") String driver = "jdbc:odbc:try" Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(driver,"sa","") //如果是windows验证,则不用用户名和密码
  • Codejia.Com.rar 搞好机关发给地方 所得阿嫂地方萨 所地方苏大嫂大嫂大嫂
  • convrom1.rar * PC Bios ROM font extractor * Note: ascent field of produced C file must be hand-editted
  • lift-simulator.rar it s a lift simulator, use operating system concept call mutex to implenment a lift. I do it prefectly.
  • Understanding_the_Linux_Kernel_Third_Edition.rar Understand the linux kernel (the third edition)
  • Delphiyiyangulixitong.rar ... ,不过,作者没有在其他操作系统平台上调试这些程序。 3、数据库使用SQL Server的用户sa,密码为“$%*^@”。如果数据库sa用户密码不同,可以在SQL Server的查询分析器中输入以下SQL语句来修改密码:exec sp_password ‘旧密码’,’新密码’,也 ... Server企业管理器,展开【数据库】|【安全性】|【登录】节点,双击其中的sa项目,将密码设置为“$%*^@”。 4、默认文件为只读文件,而所有程序在重新 ...
  • Prefactoring-OReilly.rar 软件工程方法Prefactoring Prefactoring, in essence, is the art of applying the insights gleaned from previous experience (whether yours or someone else s) when developing software to new projects. Doing so will likely save you from making costly design changes ...
  • AnEasyProblem.rar ACM试题An Easy Problem Description As we known, data stored in the computers is in binary form. The problem we discuss now is about the positive integers and its binary form. Given a positive integer I, you task is to find out an integer J, which is the ...