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  • OrzMicrokernel.rar 可在Intel x86上执行的最小OS,完全用组语撰写 可做DISK IO,Process Scheduling...等
  • cpu_cheduling_program.rar Cpu scheduling programm
  • scheduling.rar 设计一程式可输入 1、几个行程 2、每个行程各别的CPU暴冲时间(毫秒) 3、到达时间 4、优先顺序 并求出 1、FCFS 2、SJF - 不可抢先 3、SJF - 可抢先 4、Priority 5、RR 平均等待时间
  • RR.rar Round Robin process scheduling algorithm simulation in C++. Good for process scheduling study
  • HRRN.rar Highest Return Ratio process scheduling algorithm simulation in C++. Good for process scheduling study
  • FirstComeFir.rar First Come First Served operating system scheduling algorithm operating system
  • quartz-1.6.4.rar Quartz is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be integrated with, or used along side virtually any J2EE or J2SE application - from the smallest stand-alone application to the largest e-commerce system. Quartz can be used to create ...
  • QuartzJob-SchedulingFrameworkV0.9.2.rar Quartz Job Scheduling Framework 中文版 V0.9.2.chm ,非常详细的说明了Quartz的使用,且翻译的水平也不错
  • PrioritySchedulinginTinyOSACaseStudy.rar Priority Scheduling in TinyOS - A Case Study 一个介绍如何更改TinyOs调度的论文,讲的比国内的论文具体的多,而且都还有步骤
  • final.rar Scheduling code for cluster