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  • Clear_dos_1972742122006.zip This comprehensive clear screen tutorial using Java native interface. Teaches you from A-Z how you go about clearing the windows dos console.
  • Programming_TCP_Sockets_in_C___for_the_Beginner.zi teach you socket programming, has doc and source code and screen shot. The source code can compile in DEV-C++ .
  • bmpsource.rar This BmpLib.h is a small library of functions written in C++ for Turbo C++ 3.0 and Borland C/C++ 3.1 Compilers that allow you to load a Monochrome or 16 color Bitmap in your programs or you can save your screen image as a Monochrome or 16 color Bitmap.
  • pareng.rar ... customized TL vertices. This stands for Transformed and Lit, which means the vertices already are transformed and that the lighting color has already been computed. So an X of 300 will be 300 on the screen, and the vertex color will be the final color.
  • windwingGDICapture.zip ScreenCap: This Program captures the screen using the GDI Functionality. 一个使用GDI函数的抓屏小程序源代码
  • scrnsvrwizard_src.zip An article on creating a Screen Saver AppWizard
  • Typingofthedead.zip 打字遊戲!Typing of the dead (console screen)
  • print_screen.rar It allows your PrtScr and Alt+PrtScr keys to print a screen capture directly to your printer instead of just copying the image to the Windows clipboard.
  • WmScreen.rar windows media format for screen
  • simple_framebuffer_object.zip opengl2.0高级渲染语言提供了新的离屏(off screen)技术FBO(frame buffer object)。本代码简单演示FBO的启动,调用,以及将结果通过2维纹理映射方式显示在屏幕上