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  • HelloSMS1.rar EVC写的发送短信的程序代码,来自于Pocket PC 2003 SDK
  • 1210.rar C++ SDK 写的滚动字幕。例子适合初学者
  • cvery_252525234.rar C++ SDK绘图。涉及函数:WinProc Draw
  • 面阵ccd.rar demo\ 演示程序 driver\ 图像采集卡驱动程序 sdk\ 用户二次开发库 source\ 演示程序的原代码 doc\ 720摄像机资料
  • SharpBits.Base_1.3.zip SharpBITS.base is a library to wrap the BITS SDK for use with managed code on .NET platform. This package contains all sources for SharpBITS.base library. No binaries are included.
  • MyPlayerTool.rar 本章实现了一个简单的媒体播放器,该媒体播放器可以播放Wav和CD光盘。本章主要介绍多媒体相关知识。包括DirectX SDK进行多媒体开发,对混合器设备进行操作和访问,对音量进行获取与设置,播放Wav文件,打开和关闭CD设备,对CD进行播放、停止、前进、后退操作等。
  • sound.rar 该源码是在VC++环境中利用BREW SDK开发的mp3播放程序 由于是在BREW SDK开发的,可以很好地移植到嵌入式设备中去
  • Tapi.rar ... DirectShow API s, which are part of the DirectX 9 SDK. The DirectX 9 SDK is now shipped separately from the Microsoft Platform SDK. The ... this reason, the TAPI3 code samples that use parts of the DirectX 9 SDK cannot be built for 64-bit platforms.
  • Bluetooth.rar ... supplement ***************************************** Prerequisites for development * Appropriate compiler (Microsoft Visual C++) * Microsoft Platform SDK (latest - post July 2002) Prerequisites for testing * Supported Bluetooth radio hardware ...
  • VC.rar ID/IE系列工业像机 驱动程序开发包SDK-VC库