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  • regionbased_seg.rar Region Based Active Contour Segmentation:基于活动轮廓的图像分割算法,MATLAB代码,可用于目标提取,包括实验图片
  • cbir3.rar indexing image free document segmentation
  • sumitrao.rar segmentation segmentation segmentation
  • line_segment.rar text line segmentation
  • SystemInfoDLG.rar ... features based on overall histogram neglecting images’ spacial information may be imprecise in image retrieval, since different image may has same histogram. Two color features with special information based on image fixed segmentation is introduced.
  • matlabDIP.rar DIP programs related to various function . image segmentation,filter on salt & pepper noise on flowers.tif,program to show the bit plane slicing.program to introduce gaussian noise in the image and to restore the image by removing the noise using the ...
  • imagesegment.zip image segmentation for extracting objects from an image
  • skin_color_segmentation.rar the program perform image compensation and followed by skin region segmentation
  • skin_YCbCr.rar skin segmentation using ycbcr..please try and leave a comment
  • Ycbcr.rar simple skin segmentation YCbCr