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  • iris_segmentation.rar iris segmentation with hough transform
  • Bone.zip a variational region based image segmentation using matlab. efficient and simple
  • layered_background_model_code.zip color segmentation that could extract image
  • layered_background_model_code.zip this code use for color segmentation in image
  • rfcmppt.rar It is a powerpoint presentation of comparative study of RFCM AND RCM AND FCM Algorithms for image segmentation
  • fcmcode.rar A MATLAB code for FCM image segmentation of medical images.
  • cut.rar image segmentation: introduction of graph cut, grab cut, normalize cut,...
  • classification.rar Image segmentation: classification-neural network, SVM,...
  • model-based_approach.rar image segmentation: model-based approach-PCA
  • watershed.rar image segmentation: watershed, watershed cut,...