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  • A-NOVEL-SKIN-YCBCR-COLOR-SPACE.rar ... the three clusters. Efficient post-processing techniques namely noise removal, shape criteria, elliptic curve fitting and faceinonface classification are proposed in order to !inther refine skin segmentation results for the purpose of face detection.
  • pcl-0.9.0.tar.gz ... framework contains numerous state-of-the art algorithms including filtering, feature estimation, surface reconstruction, registration, model fitting and segmentation. PCL is released under the terms of the BSD license and is open source software. It is ...
  • Iris-Segmentation.rar 虹膜编码与识别虹膜编码与识别虹膜编码与识别
  • BagOfWords.zip Realization of Bag Of Words frames segmentation see http://www.vlfeat.org/applications/apps.html#apps.caltech-101
  • SEGIM.rar Traitement d images : filtrage & segmentation
  • regiongrow.rar region growing: Perform segmentation by region grow1ng. [G, NR, SI, TI] = REGIONGROW(F, SR, T). Scan be an array (the same size as F) with a 1 at the coord1nates of every seed point and 0s elsewhere. S can also be a single seed value. Similarly, T can be ...
  • HillClimbingSegment.1.0.rar 一种运用爬山算法彩色图像分割算法,参考文献"Salient RegionDetection and Segmentation"
  • kmeans-image-segmentation.rar K-means算法是一种动态聚类方法,这种方法先选择若干样本作为聚类的中心,在按某种聚类准则(通常采用最小距离原则)使各种样本向各个中心积聚,从而得到初始的分类,然后,判断分类的合理性,如果不合理,就修改分类,如此反复的修改聚类的迭代运算,直到合理为止。
  • color-img-seg-based-on-histogram.rar This paper proposes a new color image segmentation algorithm based on the JND (Just Noticeable Difference) histogram. Histogram of the given color image is computed using JND color model.
  • trn_set.zip try this first to do image segmentation for you. Its very easy to follow.