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资源说明:Seismic sand tank data sets
README file for SEGY-formatted files which accompany paper:  
“Benchmark hydrogeophysical data from a physical seismic model” 
"by Juan M. Lorenzo, David E. Smolkin, Christopher White, "
"Shannon R. Chollett and Ting Sun published in ""Computers"
"and Geosciences""."

"Eight files, numbered WL1.sgy through WL8.sgy, contain seismic "
data collected whenat eight different water levels in the 
Sand Tank.

"Each SEG-Y formatted file (Barry et al., 1975) consists of an initial "
"3200-byte tape header (in EBCDIC format), followed by a 400-byte "
"binary tape header, and 64 contiguous sets of data streams, or traces, "
one for each sensor in the arrray. Each trace is of equal length 
(standard SEG-Y format) and also contains a 240-byte binary header 
followed by 780 amplitude values recorded in a 4-byte IBM floating point format.  
These binary headers store metadata for traces as one or 
two-byte integers values.  Key information includes the sampling 
"interval of 13 microseconds, and the number of samples: 780."

Each trace represents data collected at an accelerometer within a 
composite shot gather. Source-receiver offsets range from 0.03 -.87 m but 
the source-receiver values are not included in the headers.

"SEGY data can be viewed in several open source software, such as Seismic "
"Unix from the ColoradoSchool of Mines, Center for Wave Phenomena "

"Added: November 21, 2012:"

On October 20 we cut a trench close to and parallel to line of
"seismic experiments by Lorenzo et al., (2012). Three different sand"
"layers are observed, one more than had previously been known.  Samples"
from each layer have been taken for granulometric

"An image file in JPG format (""cross-sectionwithsample locations.jpg"") "
that shows the different sand layers and indicates the location of the different
"granulometry samples is available in the subfolder called ""SandTankHomogenization"""

On October 20 through 27 of October 2012 we completed homogenization
of all the sand using shovels.

"Barry, K.M., Cavers, D.A., Kneale, C.W., 1975. Report on recommended "
"standards for digital tape formats. Geophysics 40, 344-352"
