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  • Miramichi_1982.tar.gz it is an m file for seismic analysis
  • Exploration_Geophysics.rar seismic geophyics good book for understanding concepts
  • segyoutput.zip Writes seismic data from Matlab workspace to a segy format file on disk.
  • REFLCOEF.zip The Seismic Unix Project is partially supported by the CWP Consortium Project. In the past, the Seismic Unix Project has received partial support from the Gas Research Institute (GRI) and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Foundation.
  • REFLCOEF2.zip The Seismic Unix Project is partially supported by the CWP Consortium Project. In the past, the Seismic Unix Project has received partial support from the Gas Research Institute (GRI) and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Foundation.
  • REFLCOEF3.zip The Seismic Unix Project is partially supported by the CWP Consortium Project. In the past, the Seismic Unix Project has received partial support from the Gas Research Institute (GRI) and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Foundation.
  • RayGUI_forLinux.tar.gz RayGUI Seismic for Linux
  • SEGY.rar this code convert mat data to segy format. segy format is known to seismic softwares
  • satellite-based-tsunami-and-earthquake-alerting-s This paper describes detail regarding Earthquake and Tsunami early warning system. Also explain the Tsunami waves and earthquake (seismic) waves.
  • VSP_example.rar This file is a solution for vertical seismic profile