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  • dmss.tar.gz Ns2 code for Wireless sensor network
  • rpm_meter.rar This is a RPM meter project which reads the rotation pulses from a proximity sensor
  • sensors.rar is a sensor document,OS-based wireless sensor network architecture, wireless sensor networks WSN
  • report.rar OS-based wireless sensor network architecture, wireless sensor networks WSN
  • star6.zip This is a source file of TCL for ns2 platform to simulate two wireless network of Sensor nodes existing in the same space but having different frequencies. IT employs AODV routing with IEEE802.15.4 MAC and Network interface layer.
  • A3DFX_090609set.rar 三星sensor A3D 摄像头调试优化代码 (24MHz, 50Hz, 15-8fps, CrCb)
  • tws.zip temperatur sensor java codes
  • WSN_sim.zip Wireless sensor networks RSSI evaluation
  • Micaz_Datasheet.zip Micaz规格说明书 MICAz The MICAz is a 2.4 GHz Mote module used for enabling low-power, wireless sensor networks.