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  • DataAggregationSensorNetworks2.zip data aggregation in sensor networks...
  • arvind_1.rar This code is for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
  • ADNS-2610.zip This is a program that comunicate with a mouse sensor ADNS-2610 and get the x and y value. It also get the values of two diferent distance sensors, LV-EZ0 and GP2D120.
  • Ov5620.rar OV5620 sensor驱动,基于zoranDSP
  • PIRSensor_Rel_1.0.rar Motion sensor is designed using PIR sensor and MSP430F2013.
  • Security_in_WSN.rar Document for design security protocol in wireless sensor network
  • dynamic_en-route.rar Secure routing in wireless sensor network wsn by dynamic key route
  • fuzzyBasedEnrouteFiltering.rar Wireless sensor network secure routing protocol key route fuzzy algorithm
  • Oscilloscope.rar ... the Oscilloscope application, * a simple TinyOS app that periodically takes sensor readings * and sends a group of readings over the UART. The default * sensor used is the Photo component. This application uses * the AM_OSCOPEMSG AM handler.
  • SenseTask.rar Configuration for SenseTask application. * * When the timer fires, this application reads sensor data (light in * this case), averages the sensor readings, and displays the highest * 3 bits of the average to the LEDs. Unlike Sense, it uses ...