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  • bsn.pdf.tar.gz Wireless sensor network
  • omnetonehop.zip Omnet++ simulation code for wireless sensor networks
  • LPC2138_ds18x20.rar C code and library (for Keil C compiler), for accessing Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor.
  • SinsorNet.rar A sensor network simulation with matlab that simulate the power consumption in collecting data.
  • sensor_networks_book.rar this book explain Taxonomy and principle for wireless sensor network
  • routing-survey.rar this file explain survey for routing protocol for wireless sensor network
  • RoutinginZigBee.rar An IEEE 802.15.4-based Wireless Sensor Network is considered, and the relationship between the IEEE 802.15.4 topology formation mechanism and possible routing strategies at the network layer is studied. Two alternative routing schemes proposed in the ...
  • UsersmakeaBeelineforZigBeesensortechnology.rar As wireless-sensor technology improves, an increasing number of organizations are using it for a wide range of purposes. Users are working with the technology to monitor and automate home, building, industrial,and agricultural systems, including ...
  • 22048728.rar ... in the presence of disturbances and model uncertainty, most controllers in use today employ some form of negative feedback. A sensor is needed to measure the controlled variable and compare its behavior to a reference signal. Control action is based ...