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  • MT9P012.rar mtk sensor mtkmtk sensormtk sensormtk sensor
  • ... open up a multitude of previously unthinkable sensing applications. Capable tools and testbeds for these wireless image sensor networks can greatly accelerate development of complex, yet efficient algorithms that meet application requirements. In this ...
  • 2286.rar ... needs and found its way into civil applications. Today, wireless sensor networks has become a key technology for different types of ... is currently underway to enable the application of wireless sensor networks for a wide range of industrial problems. ...
  • IEEE-overview-2004.rar Wireless sensor networks could advance many scientific pursuits while providing a vehicle for enhancing various forms of productivity, including manufacturing, agriculture, construction, and transportation.
  • jhill_thesisj.rar ... present and operating system and three generations of a hardware platform designed to address the needs of wireless sensor networks. Our operating system, called TinyOS uses an event based execution model to provide support for finegrained concurrency ...
  • GC0305.rar DSP对sensor 控制方式的部分代码.中间详细介绍了sensor的初始化以及怎么样使用sensor 的部分.谢谢
  • CellTrack.zip This paper presents experimental results of angle of arrival (AOA) estimation for sensor node localization of wireless networksand some radar detection methods
  • RST_LOCOMAX_ETAPA_II.zip This paper presents experimental results of angle of arrival (AOA) estimation for sensor node localization of wireless networks and other methods like tdoa, cell-id. etc
  • demo.tar.gz This paper presents experimental results of angle of arrival (AOA) estimation for sensor node localization of wireless networks tdoa, cell id, etc
  • www_RegieLive_ro_LUCRARI_PRACTICE_DE_PROGRAMARE_I This paper presents experimental results of angle of arrival (AOA) estimation for sensor node localization of wireless networks tdoa, cell id, etc